"Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for such is the Kingdom of God."
Mark 10:14

The mission of our Children's Ministry is to raise up our children with the truth of God's Word and a sensitivity to the Spirit that will change their generation. To teach our children the Fatherhood of God; that He is their Father, daily companion, and that they have a great destiny in Him!

It is a priority in the Children's Ministry to teach the children to honor their father and mother, and to reaffirm, with a servant's heart, the Christian values of a Godly home. To equip each child with the necessary truth and values concerning the Kingdom of God by adapting it to their level of understanding through curriculum, activities and personal relationships, and to focus our commitment on being Godly role models to our children.

Children's MINISTRY Class and Service Schedule

Classes are every Sunday morning and Wednesday evenings during the scheduled service.

Kingdom Kids

Ages 3 to 5

Children of Zion

Ages 6 to 8


Ages 9 to 11

The Little Kingdom Nursery

For ages 4 months to 24 months
Attendants are scheduled to stay with your children during Sunday services, following praise & worship and during the Royal Kingdom Academy on Wednesday Evenings in the Nursery which is located downstairs.

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